I'm still not sure what to make of this whole Second Life "phenomenon". I'm not sure where to go, and even if I knew where to go, I don't know that I'd know how to get there.
I spent a lot of time in the Welcome Area. There were a lot of avatars wandering around - many editing their appearance, many strange avatars wanting to chat with my avatar. There's a common chat, so you basically hear all conversations within a certain range of your avatar - so maybe they aren't trying to talk to me, but talking nearby me. I eventually made my way out of the Welcome Area and ended up in New Citizens Inc Plaza. One day there were a lot of people sitting theater-style watching a presentation about learning how to make clothes. The next time I logged in the place was deserted so I wandered around and read orientation signs - things like how to change your clothing, how to build things, etc.
A coworker sent me a link to a video, kind of a Google brown-bag with some of the senior folks at Linden Labs (creators or Second Life). There are over 200,000 people using Second Life, and there's a ridiculous amount of commerce happening too. The currency in Second Life is the Linden Dollar. There's an exchange rate that fluctuates against US Dollars. With a free account, you earn 50 Linden Dollars a week (as long as you log in), and you can buy extra Linden Dollars using a credit card or Paypal.
There are also "catalog sites" such as SLExchange where you can buy stuff for use in Second Life. The purchasing process is a bit convoluted - you first have to register at SLExchange, then you receive an email with a link that you have to click to validate, then you have to go into Second Life and find a SLExchange ATM, to which you deposit $. Once you make a deposit, the $ shows up in your SLExchange account and you can make purchases.
Long story short - I figured it out and bought a catsuit. AND I figured out how to put it on!
Not sure why, but I felt oddly naked. Cats should not have human lady breasts. Modest me decided to wear the old human outfit with the catsuit. So I'll be wandering around like this for a while.
I spent a lot of time in the Welcome Area. There were a lot of avatars wandering around - many editing their appearance, many strange avatars wanting to chat with my avatar. There's a common chat, so you basically hear all conversations within a certain range of your avatar - so maybe they aren't trying to talk to me, but talking nearby me. I eventually made my way out of the Welcome Area and ended up in New Citizens Inc Plaza. One day there were a lot of people sitting theater-style watching a presentation about learning how to make clothes. The next time I logged in the place was deserted so I wandered around and read orientation signs - things like how to change your clothing, how to build things, etc.
A coworker sent me a link to a video, kind of a Google brown-bag with some of the senior folks at Linden Labs (creators or Second Life). There are over 200,000 people using Second Life, and there's a ridiculous amount of commerce happening too. The currency in Second Life is the Linden Dollar. There's an exchange rate that fluctuates against US Dollars. With a free account, you earn 50 Linden Dollars a week (as long as you log in), and you can buy extra Linden Dollars using a credit card or Paypal.
There are also "catalog sites" such as SLExchange where you can buy stuff for use in Second Life. The purchasing process is a bit convoluted - you first have to register at SLExchange, then you receive an email with a link that you have to click to validate, then you have to go into Second Life and find a SLExchange ATM, to which you deposit $. Once you make a deposit, the $ shows up in your SLExchange account and you can make purchases.
Long story short - I figured it out and bought a catsuit. AND I figured out how to put it on!
Not sure why, but I felt oddly naked. Cats should not have human lady breasts. Modest me decided to wear the old human outfit with the catsuit. So I'll be wandering around like this for a while.
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