Virtual Bailey

Monday, May 08, 2006

Landmarks are to Second Life what Bookmarks are to internet browsers. The list of interesting places that I found at the New Citizens Plaza included a landmark to the "Family Fun Place". I learned that if you right click and "touch" something, you can add it to your inventory (kind of like "save"). Here I am having a fruity cocktail.

Unfortunately I had to detach the cat paw in order to hold it. This was a great place to discover because I learned a lot about the types of things that you can do (other than wander around). For example, you can right click and sit on things. Here I am floating in an inner tube.

Some places that you sit have action associated with them. For example, in addition to sitting (as exciting as that is!) I could swing.

This was also my first encounter with pink and blue pose balls. If you right click, a menu displays and lets you do an action appropriate for the space. For example, I "sunbathed" which made my avatar lay one way, and then flip over every once in a while.

Video captures it better.


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