Virtual Bailey

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Around Thanksgiving, I bought my female avatar a kitten from Wynx. She loves to be carried around and purrs endlessly when I pet her (ok, or when anyone clicks her, she's not picky).

I rarely use my female avatar, but I did last week and when I rezzed the kitten it vanished. No longer in my inventory and not in world either. She's 76 prims so I think I'd notice her lying around on my land :) I put up a sign in case someone finds her.

I searched the forums and tried a few things like clearing my cache which didn't help. I e-mailed tech support at 2pm on Thursday, explaining exactly what I did, where, and the troubleshooting that I tried such as clearing my cache per the website instructions. I received the following response at 1pm on Monday. (unusual characters are part of the reply)

In some instances, Inventory items may not show up, even when searched
for. While this isn’t guaranteed to work during these harsh
conditions, you can try going to Edit menu > Preferences > Network tab
and push “Clear Cache” button and relog.
Remember that generally, things may appear to be gone, but they are
not actually gone. When the database’s functioning as expected, your
stuff should be rezzable again.
If you're still missing items in your inventory or see empty folders,
please file a bug report and give as many details as you can on the
missing items.
We are working hard to correct the complications and apologize for any
inconvenience that this might cause you.

"During these harsh conditions" ?? What about my poor kitten?? Wandering aimlessly through some strange dark database without food, water or toilet? Ack !


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