Virtual Bailey

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Today I found a nice garden called Tranquility Island. There's a relaxing gazebo area and ambient sounds such as wind chimes, trickling water, and cricket chirps create a serene environment. And the yoga pose ball is entertaining too.

While I was exploring, a coworker found an interesting location and offered to teleport me. Teleporting is a quick way to move to a new location, regardless of where you are or where the new location is. I forgot to "stand up" (remove myself from the yoga pose ball) before accepting the teleport, and now I'm stuck in the yoga pose with no "stand up" option. I can still move around by flying, and a levitating cat doing yoga poses is somewhat comical.


  • That's a nice place, thank you!
    Flying yoga cats are the best :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:24 PM  

  • I too am stuck in a pose, but being new to Second Life I have no idea how to get out of it (in my case my arms are stuck up in the air). Can you tell me how to get out of a pose when stuck in it? Thanks! Joe

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:07 PM  

  • The first two things to try are 1) Right click and select Sit, then once you're sitting click Stand up or 2) select "Stop all animations" which is under the Tools menu. If all else fails log out and back in :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:38 PM  

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