Virtual Bailey

Monday, May 22, 2006

In an effort to find things to do in Second Life, my latest searches have been related to sports. So I searched for skydiving and came across Abbots Aerodrome.

There's an info kiosk that explains how it works. First you have to go inside and get a parachute. There are a few different kinds, I went for the freebie. Even though it's free, you still have to buy it (for $0) for it to be added to your inventory. Once it's in your inventory you right-click and select "wear" - I had to temporarily remove my tail for it to work, since only one item at a time can be attached to a given bodypart (now THAT sounds weird).

Then you sit on the skydiving pod, where you can specify the altitude from which you want to skydive.

On my first attempt I chose 4000 meters, and other than the moderately entertaining freefall, there's not much to see for the first 2500 meters or so.

I also didn't pay attention to the instructions and forgot the command for deploying the parachute, so it deployed automatically when I reached a certain height. I wound up entirely too close to some wind power generator things.

The next time I deployed the chute on time, but didn't steer and wound up landing in the water.

Which made me think - perhaps there's scuba diving somewhere in Second Life. I'll have to search for that next time.


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