Comcast had their public launch in Second Life a few weeks ago and I finally made it there last night. Comcastic Island seems to be loosely based on a "faster" ad campaign, although I'm not sure I would have selected this particular campaign for a virtual world plagued by perpetual lag :)
I spent about an hour at Comcastic Island and there were five to ten other residents there with me - over half of whom were there the entire time.

There is an Expo area that has a "speed themed" exhibit with a few vehicles and pictures of fast animals but this area feels generally empty as does the entertainment space. I suspect that they are still working on content and programming.
I spent about an hour at Comcastic Island and there were five to ten other residents there with me - over half of whom were there the entire time.

- I won't ruin the surprise, but check out the underground lab.
- Though there are lag issues (you will want to make sure that your draw distance is set to 512 under Edit-->Preferences-->Graphics) the race track seems to be popular (I couldn't get it to work alone, and when I teleported a friend over we couldn't get it to reset, but when we DID get it to work it was entertaining.
- There's lots of free stuff here, and each attraction includes clear VISIBLE instructions (i.e. not a notecard) so it would be a great place to send someone new to Second Life.
- The jet pack ring game was disappointing. When I flew through the last ring (thereby completing the game), all of the rings disappeared and there was no "congratulations" and I never saw a score. I was left hovering there in my racing suit (which for Virtual Bailey should read "slower") and my jet pack - huh.
There is an Expo area that has a "speed themed" exhibit with a few vehicles and pictures of fast animals but this area feels generally empty as does the entertainment space. I suspect that they are still working on content and programming.